December 2024: Aurealis Collies had a terrific trip to Orlando, FL for AKC National Championship week.
GCHG Aurealis Play For Keeps:
BOV at the AKC National Championship under Judge Nioma Coen
BISS at the Greater Tampa Bay CC under Judge Joe Reno
BOV at the Herding Group Show under Judge Maret Halinen
GCHB Aurealis Captivating:
Picked up 3 BOS and 3 Selects and put on quite a show and held her own against top CCA Winning dogs.
Bright future ahead!

November 2024: Fantastic weekend in Ridgefield for our up and coming Special - GCHB Aurealis Captivating.
- BISS under Judge Carrie Lenhart
- BOV under Judge Judy Harrington
- Tops it off with a huge GROUP FIRST under Judge Dr. Sophia Kaluzniacki

November 2024: Kasen was well represented in Monroe, WA for the Collie Club of Washington and Whidbey Island Kennel Club with his kids having several notable wins.
GCHB Aurealis Captivating - Hailey wins BISS at the Collie Club of Washington under Judge Emily Fish and BOV at the All Breeds under Judges Allen Odom and Kim Leblanc.
New SILVER GCH Demuir Celestial Light - April wins BOV under Judges Kim Leblanc and Michael Canalizo, BOS under Judges Pat Jung, Emily Fish, and Allen Odom.
Arrow - Aurealis Redemption wins WD/BOW/Best Puppy at the CCW under Judge Emily Fish, his first time in the ring.

November 2024: Roseville, CA Specialties
New CH Aurealis Clarity - Clara finished quickly with a 5 point major under Judge Krista Hansen.
Our 6-9 baby won her first major garnering WB/BOW under Judge Kathy Wilkins.
New BRONZE GCH Aurealis Captivating - Hailey amassed some fantastic wins.
BOV - Judge Bree Ardizzone-Sulewski
BOV- Judge Terry Jennings-Bailey
BOS/BOB - Kathy Wilkins
BOS/BOB - Judge David Hansen
BOS/BOV - Judge Elaine Goto-Tamae
BOS/BOV - Judge Krista Hansen
GCHS Aurealis Play For Keeps - Chandler is quickly closing in on his GOLD GCH.
BISS - Judge Kathy Wilkins
BOV/BOS/BOB - Judge Elaine Goto-Tamae
BOS/BOB - Judge Bree Ardizzone-Sulewski

October 2024: Oktoberfest in Wenatchee brought some fantastic wins!
Chandler - GCHS Aurealis Play For Keeps was BOV at every all breed and was awarded a GROUP FIRST and GROUP THIRD under Judges Pat Trotter and James Moses. He was also BISS at the Overlake Collie Club under Breeder Judge Debra Smith.
At his debut show, Weston - Aurealis Superstition was WD at every show he was entered in, defeating quality males including the CCA WD.
April 2024: The 2024 Collie Club of America National Specialty is a wrap!
We returned to Peoria, IL and had some exciting wins.
GCHS Aurealis Play For Keeps - Rough Select Dog
CH Aurealis Invitation - Rough AOM, her first time out as a Special.
GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights ROM - Wins the Rough Stud Dog
class for the FOURTH year in a row!
Aurealis Th' Night We Met - 1st in the 12-18 Rough Dog class.
Aurealis Animation - 1st in the 12-18 Smooth Bitch class
Ch. Aurealis Monumental - 3rd in the Open Sable class.
We were honored to have two Rough Dogs ranked in the Top Ten Hawkins System with Kasen #1 and Chandler #3.
As a family, we were also awarded the 2023 CCA Rough Breeders of the Year!

November 2023: Kasen and Chandler took turns at the Roseville Specialties with each winning several Best of Breeds/Best of Varieties. Their kids had an equally successful weekend, with Kasen's son Aurealis Th' Night We Met picking up both of his majors under Breeder Judges Kathy Zehetner and Retha Cable. Kasen's daughter, Aurealis Tribute won big going BOS/BOB from the classes under Roxann Heit. Chandler's son, Aureals Monumental picked up two competitive reserves and his daughter Aurealis Clarity won a five point major.

March 2023: A dream come true! Kasen wins BEST OF BREED at the 2023 CCA National Specialty under Breeder Judge Larry Willeford. An absolute honor! We could not be more blessed and thankful. He also wins the Stud Dog class under Breeder Judge Maret Halinen alongside his 4 beautiful kids.

January 2023: Chandler - GCHB Aurealis Play For Keeps took a quick trip to Texas and garnered 3 BISS under Breeder Judges Ed Degner, Meredith Hector and Nancy Anstruther. He is now closing in on his Silver GCH title.

Aurealis Illustration

Aurealis All American
January 2023: These two Kasen kids had a great time at our local Specialties. Aurealis All American, "Jordan" won a major under Breeder Judge Anita Stelter and Aurealis Illustration, "Gracie" won a major under Breeder Judge Alma Metz.

January 2023: Kasen had a record-breaking January, becoming the #1 BISS-Winning Male in Breed History with 42 BISS and counting.
At the South Bay Collie Fanciers, he garnered 3 BISS under Breeder Judges Jeffrey Silverman Presley, Bree Ardizzone and Sheltie Breeder Judge Janet Fink.
Later in the month at the Collie Club of Washington, Kasen garnered 3 more BISS under Breeder Judges Ed Degner, Anita Stelter and Phyllis Autrey.

December 2022: Our last show of the year ends with a bang!
Kasen was only entered at two shows and wins BISS under Judge Sulie Greendale-Paveza at the Pacific Northwest Collie Club and a large BOV at the Greater Clark County KC under Breeder Judge Amy Gau.
An even better weekend for Kasen's kids with two new Champions and 5 others winning large majors at 4 different shows.

GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights, ROM

Aurealis All American

Aurealis Demuir Counting Stars

Nr CH Aurealis Reminiscence
November 2022: Success in California!
GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights garners 3 BISS wins under Judges Jacqueline Corwin, Carrie Lenhart and Linda Tefelski and BOV/BOS to BOB under Judge Jerry Sulewski in a quality packed entry of several CCA Winners.
Kasen's son Aurealis All American was only entered at 4/6 shows and was Winners Dog at 3/4 at only 6 months old.
Kasen's daughter Aurealis Demuir Counting Stars wins a large 4 point major WB under Judge Janet Hitt.
Last but not least, Aurealis Reminiscence garners Rough WB twice. Kelsey only needs 2 points to finish.

October 2022: After 7 months off, Kasen returns to the ring and wins 2 BISS and a BOV under Breeder Judges Carl Williford, Carrie Lenhart and Pat Jung at the Collie Club of Colorado.

May 2022: New Champion Aurealis Cotillion, "Cherry" finished with her 4th Major. She is Champion #34 for her sire Kasen.

MBISS GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights, ROM
March 2022: Kasen wins his second consecutive Select Dog and Stud Dog Class win at the 2022 Collie Club of America National Specialty.
Thank you Breeder Judge Nancy Anstruther and Breeder Judge Adria Weiner for these wins.
Kasen's Progeny left to right:
Ch. Aurealis Declaration - 2021 CCA Best Rough Puppy
Ch. Fantasy's Look To The Stars - 2022 CCA Rough Winners Dog
Can Ch. Prairiepine Tamaron's Genesis - 2022 First Place 6-9 Rough Puppy Dog
Nr Ch. Aurealis Shining Star - 2022 First Place Open Tri Rough Bitches

MBISS GCHB Aurealis Play For Keeps
March 2022: Chandler wins his second consecutive Award of Merit at the 2022 Collie Club of America National Specialty.
Thank you Breeder Judge Nancy Anstruther for your recognition.

Aurealis Illustration
3rd 9-12 AOAC Bitches

Aurealis Reminiscence
2nd Rough Brood Bitch/3rd BBE Rough Bitches

Aurealis Cotillion

Aurealis Invitation
2nd Open Sable Bitches
Thank you Breeder Judge Robette Johns for awarding our girls class placements at the 2022 CCA National Specialty.

Ch. Aurealis Revolutionary

Ch. Aurealis Charismatic
February 2022: Our two new Champions! Ch. Aurealis Revolutionary, "Brady" finished under Breeder Judge Michelle Struble and Ch. Aurealis Charismatic, "Rhett" finished with his third 5 point major under Breeder Judge Patricia Jung.

February 2022: Two litters later, Aurealis Reminiscence returns to the ring. Kelsey wins two 4 point Specialty majors under BreederJudges Michelle Struble and Loralee Runnels. Needless to say, we're thrilled!

MBISS GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights, ROM
February 2022: Kasen wins Best In Specialty x2 under Breeder Judges Loralee Runnels and Patricia Jung at the Washington Specialties.

Nr Ch. Aurealis Enchanted
February 2022: We are so proud of Katie and "Scarlett". 3x RWB and WB for a 4 point specialty major in enormous competition, all owner-handled by Katie!

January 2022: CLEAN SWEEP! Kasen goes undefeated at the Claremont California Specialties and wins 4 BISS in a row, in top winning competition.
Thank you Breeder Judges Larry Willeford, Maret Halinen, Mike Esch and Patricia Jung.

November 2021: New Champion Aurealis Affair garners WB/BOW/BEST BBE under Breeder Judge Larry Willeford. The next day, she finishes by going BISS from the classes under Judge Tami Worley.

November 2021: GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights, ROM continues his winning ways with another BISS in a beautiful lineup under Breeder Judge Larry Willeford.

November 2021: GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights, ROM wins 5 consecutive BISS! We are so thankful to the following Judges for awarding Kasen: Brenda Miramon, Michelle Esch-Brooks, Meredith Hector, Hector Hector and Connie DuBois.

November 2021: New Champion Aurealis Invincible. Three shows, three 5-point majors, at his first show! Thank you to Judges Hector Hector, Connie DuBois and Matt Stelter.​

November 2021: Aurealis Affair garners WB/BOW under Breeder Judge Brenda Miramon and Matt Stelter.

November 2021: From the 6-9 puppy class, Cherry dazzled us all and won two majors under Sheltie Breeder Judges Hector Hector and Meredith Hector. She also was awarded two reserves under Breeder Judges Michelle Esch-Brooks and Matt Stelter.

New ROM!
Kasen has earned the coveted ROM designation!
Thank you to the Breeders that bred their beautiful bitches to Kasen and all of the exhibitors and judges that contributed.

May 2021: New Champion Aurealis Captivating. This superstar won 3 majors in a row under Judges David Calderwood, Laura Weiss and Patt Caldwell.​

May 2021: GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights garners BISS under Breeder Judges Candy Ardizzone and Connie DuBois.​

May 2021: GCH Aurealis Play For Keeps wins Best In Specialty under Breeder Judge Laura Weiss at Overlake Collie Club.​

New ROM!
Jesse has earned the coveted ROM and is the only Rough Pure for Sable in Collie History to do so.
Thank you to all who contributed to this prestigious honor.

May 2021: New Champion Aurealis Classical Era, "Brooke" finished at the Utah Circuit under Breeder Judge Carl Williford. This special win gave her sire, Coldplay his Register of Merit.​

May 2021: New Champion Aurealis Declaration, "Andre" finished under respected Breeder Judge Carl Williford at the Utah Circuit. Litter sister Hailey, Aurealis Captivating picked up two 5 points majors the same weekend under Breeder Judge Patt Caldwell and Sheltie Breeder Judge David Calderwood.​

May 2021: Kasen and his daughter Nikki had a great day at the Specialties in Spokane. BISS x2 for Kasen and Nikki wins WB at both shows, going WB/BOW/BOS/BOSBB over Specials in the AM show.​

April 2021: GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights wins Select Dog at the 2021 CCA National Specialty under Breeder Judge Roxann Heit - his first time as a Special at the National.

April 2021: Aurealis Say It With A Smile - owned by Bob Mondillo and Debbie Holland wins the 9-12 AOAC Class at the 2021 CCA National Specialty under Breeder Judge Jim Noe.

April 2021: Aurealis Declaration, "Andre", wins the 9-12 AOAC Puppy Class and was pulled for final consideration in Winners Dog, eventually winning Best Rough Puppy at the 2021 CCA National Specialty. Thank you Breeder Judge Lynn Butler.

February 2021: Kasen took a trip to the San Antonio Texas Specialties and brought home two BISS in National caliber competition. Thank you Breeder Judges Debbie Ferguson and Jerry Sulewski.

January 2021: Aurealis Say It With A Smile, "Zoey" makes her debut in the Midwest by winning the historic Kem Memorial Sweepstakes under Judge Butch Schulman. Zoey is bred by Aurealis Collies and owned by Debbie Holland and Bob Mondillo.

New ROM!
Honey has earned the coveted ROM title and deservingly so, as one of our top producing bitches. Her litters were sired by
Ch. Southland's Bowen Island, ROM, Ch. Milas Aurealis Latin Samba and Ch. Southland 'N Larkspur's The Journey.