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With eyes on the future, Aurealis maintains clear roots in its history.
For over 40 years, from one generation to the next, these select group of dogs have stood the test of time in breeding programs around the world and have created an everlasting impact on the breed as a whole. Their legacies live on.
Sire of 19 American Champions
CH. Countryview Admission
x CH. Aurealis Affectionately
Sire of 21 American Champions
CH. Milas Aurealis Latin Samba
x CH. Tartanside Brocade, ROM
Sire of 27 American Champions
CH. Milas Aurealis Latin Samba
x CH. Tartanside Brocade, ROM
Winner of 6 Best in Shows, 13 BISS, 150+ BOVs
CH. Aurealis Silverscreen - CCA BOB
x Countryview Starr Gazer, ROM
Dam of 7 American Champions
CH. Southland's Bowen Island, ROM - CCA BOB
x CH. Tartanside Foolproof, ROM
CH. Milas Aurealis Latin Samba
x CH. Tartanside Brocade, ROM
CH. Tartanside The Inheritor
x Hi Vu Life Of The Party
Dam of 9 American Champions including 2023 CCA BOB
GCHG. Aurealis Endeavour, ROM - 2x CCA AOM
x Aurealis Bedazzled
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